Few Words About Us
NAUPAC is committed to mobilizing the Nigerian American community to become a strong and an effective voting bloc in the United States of America. We believe that by our collective action to support candidates or issues of common values, we will gain recognition by political parties, and enable our community to influence polices that impact on our community both in the United States, and in our Motherland, Nigeria.
The Nigerian Americans United Political Action Committee (NAUPAC) is an organization founded by a group of Nigerian Americans who are were initially committed to the single purpose of electing the former Vice President Joe Biden in the November 2020 Presidential election. This is a Political Action Committee (PAC), authorized under the Federal Election Commission regulations to operate as an Independent Expenditure Only political committee, that may receive unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, labor unions and other PACs for the purpose of financing independent expenditures and other independent political activity.
We are proud of our efforts and contribution to the victory of Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

There was a need to dispel the tilt of many Nigerians in the homeland (Nigeria) towards Donald Trump as a conservative, religious President in the 2020 Presidential election. Likewise, there was a need to reverse President Trump’s action, which added Nigeria (Africa’s most populous nation, and world’s most populous Black nation), to the list of countries whose residents face restrictions on immigrating to the United States.
It is our desire to have the restriction removed by President Biden as it is unduly punitive to law abiding, non–terrorist citizens of Nigeria
Our primary goal is to mobilize a collective action of Nigerian Americans, as an ongoing process, to cast a bloc vote in a Presidential Election, and other federal electoral offices, whose candidates represent our shared values/interests. We are committed to achieve this through collective efforts to be recognized for our contribution in various aspects of US economy. We believe that with our voting power, our community will have a voice being heard loud and clear that we exist politically; that our votes matter greatly; and that we deserve a seat in any Administration, and the US Congress
The need to respond strongly to former President Obama’s foreign policy towards Nigeria, which fueled the derailment, and failed second term election of President Goodluck Jonathan.
It is time Nigerian-Americans exert strong enough political power to influence or respond to socio-economic and political issues affecting the Nigerian Community in the United States, and interests in the home country, Nigeria.
our mission
Our mission is to mobilize the Nigerian American community to become a powerful voting bloc in the United States of America